
How To Write A Blog About Movement In The Law

How to Start a Movement That Changes the World — One Writer at a Time

Frank McKinley

Photo courtesy of Pixabay

Are you a writer, artist, or creative professional who wants to impact the world with your art?

Me, too.

They told you that you need an audience if you want to succeed. What does that even mean?

Will you have to recruit all your friends and family like those people you know with "opportunities" to sell?

Should you buy tee shirts, business cards, and car magnets emblazoned with your logo?

Do you need to build a website, an online store, and a social media presence that requires you to be everywhere every day?

Those t h ings can help. But they're not the most important things.

If You Build It, Will They Come?

Field of Dreams was a big thing back in 1989.

We love to dream, don't we? It's exciting to have a vision and the imagination to make it real.

Unfortunately, that is no guarantee your dream will come true.

As you may have noticed in the video, the main character is facing foreclosure on his farm. He has no prospects of digging himself out of debt. Yet, a ghost with a commanding voice convinces him to go after his dream with gusto.

You Say You Want a Revolution?

Every artist, writer, and entrepreneur dreams of changing the world.

The best way to do this is to start a movement.

What exactly is a movement you say? A movement happens when people gather around a single idea or cause and do something about it. You might have heard this referred to as a tribe.

And every tribe needs a leader.

There are three obstacles to building a tribe.

  1. You don't have an idea that people will flock to.
  2. You think all you have to do is start a group and people will come.
  3. You're afraid that if you start a movement, it will get out of control.

All this reflects what happens in the corporate world. People in a hierarchical system generally rise to the level of their incompetence (the Peter Principle).

After you read this, you'll be a lot better equipped to build a tribe, start a movement, and make the change you wish to see in the world.

How I Started a Movement

I belong to several writers' groups on Facebook.

Every Friday is share day in many of these groups. When the invitation comes, you post your link in the thread and wait.

I began to notice that many of the posters would drop their links and disappear. What kind of community atmosphere is that? You might as well write your link on the wall of your apartment.

Photo courtesy of Pixabay

The idea behind share day isn't just to make a list. When it works, it's a chance for some up-and-coming writers to get their work noticed, commented upon, and shared.

I decided to issue a challenge.

Here's what I posted:

Who wants to have a comment party this Friday? To play, just commit to like, comment, and share 5 people's blog posts. Who's with me?

At least 20 people replied, "I'm in."

The weekend experiment was a rousing success. People were talking to each other, giving cyber high fives, and spreading the goodness through all their social networks.

Then I started thinking like an addict.

What if we did this every day? I posted a spoiler to test the waters.

I got at least 35 enthusiastic replies from people wanting to know more!

That Sunday, May 28, the Tribe Builder's Network was born.

What has happened since then?

  • Each month the group has grown by an average of 71 members.
  • In the past month, there have been over 13,200 interactions (posts, comments, and reactions)
  • Every active member has experienced growth in their influence online.

Now let's look at how you can take an idea and light a fire.

Three Keys to Starting Your Own Movement

1) See a need and meet it.

The Tribe Builder's Network has only two requirements to join.

  • Be an artist, a writer, or a creative professional.
  • Be willing to share others' work as well as your own.

That's it.

Many creatives dream of making a living with their art. What better gift is there than to join a group of passionate people who are committed to help each other prosper?

Pay attention to what is going on around you. What needs are going unmet? What can you do better than others that people will get excited about?

2) Give people space to make a better world.

A tribe needs a place to gather.

A Facebook group provides that. Members can share information, encourage each other, and celebrate wins. Threads are a great way to encourage people to do something — and do it now.

3) Encourage them to do it often.

This is where you lead. Don't just leave it to people to act. Give them opportunities to do something every day. Ask questions to stimulate thinking and discussion. Share stories of change that will move people to make a difference.

How a Movement Takes on a Life of Its Own

As the leader of this sharing culture, I've grown to see my role differently.

I'm not here to give orders. I'm not concerned with putting up walls. My job is to take the spark lit by the original idea and fan it into a roaring fire.

It's the people that give a movement life. Enthusiasm grows and creates an experiential energy that is contagious. When that happens, the momentum created is nearly impossible to stop.

Activated people don't just love the cause. They love people, too. This love compels them to invite others in because they can't imagine other creatives not wanting to do this.

What Movement Can You Start With Your Work?

Are you ready to change the world?

What writer doesn't want this?

You've been given the keys. It starts with a good idea — an idea that is wanted, needed, and craved. It takes courage to see what others may not see, but feel intensely. When you provide space for people to move toward the hope they most deeply desire, real change happens.

Are you up to the challenge?

A movement will demand more of you than anything you've ever done before.

It will require leadership from you that you may have never exercised.

You will travel into uncharted waters and feel lost in the current sometimes.

But with all that, the reward for venturing into this blessed unknown is better than any you'll find anywhere.

Do This Now

Look at the community you serve. Is there a problem that nobody has solved? Can you find the answer and give hope to the hurting?

If you can, design a space now where people can gather. It can be a social media group, a forum, or even an email list. The key is people should be able to communicate with each other, lend a hand, and trade ideas.

As the leader, be ready to provide opportunities to make hope come alive. Yes, you should talk about it regularly, but don't just talk. Challenge people to do something. When they're activated, they move forward.

Finally, be a role model. As Ghandi said so eloquently,

You must be the change you wish to see in the world.

Photo courtesy of Pixabay

Like what you just read? Come on over to for more tips on engaging readers, selling your ideas, and building your tribe!

How To Write A Blog About Movement In The Law


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