
How To Install Ring Peephole Camera

Ring devices are a very popular option when it comes to home security.

Because Ring is so versatile and can be installed without a hefty price tag or many tools, it is a terrific way to bring peace of mind to homeowners.

The Ring company offers devices for doorbells and peepholes besides as standard mounted security cameras.

Y'all can install the Ring Peephole photographic camera into a door without an existing peephole, but it volition require actress labor on the installer'south part and could prove to be a chip challenging. With a little extra time and the proper tools, you will exist able to accomplish this on your ain.

In this article, yous will learn how to install a Ring Peephole Camera without an existing peephole.

Installing A Ring Peephole Photographic camera

Typically, when y'all purchase a Band Peephole Photographic camera, you will have an existing peephole to install the camera into.

However, not all doors are equipped with a peephole, so you may need to improvise.

The good news is that while the installation will have more time and try, it is completely possible with the proper tools.

Tools Needed

Before yous brainstorm installing a Ring Peephole camera without an existing peephole, y'all demand to assemble your materials.

The last thing you lot desire to do is become partway through the projection only to realize you are missing something.

Drill:You lot will demand a drill that is potent plenty to propel the correct scrap through the material your door is fabricated of.

If you are using a cordless drill, yous need to make sure it is fully charged, or you may end up existence unable to consummate the job in one session.

It would exist quite inconvenient to have a partial pigsty through your front end door.

Proper Drill $.25:You need to make sure you have the correct size and textile of drill fleck to drill a hole into your door.

Some doors are steel with forest cores, while others are solid wood.

If y'all use the wrong bit, you volition not be able to achieve the task.

With the proper drill bit for the material, yous need to have the correct drill bit.

Nearly standard peepholes are ½ inch in diameter.

Because the Band camera is made to fit a standard peephole, you desire to make sure the measurements are correct.

Safety Goggles: This may seem similar a stretch, but you must consider the material you lot are preparing to drill through. Forest or metallic shavings can fly off the door.

You do non want to have a piece of metal or woods in your eye.

Taking the extra fourth dimension to put on safety goggles volition assistance protect y'all.

Pen or Pencil:You will desire to marking the right point before you begin drilling.

Call back, this will be a permanent fixture on your door, so information technology needs to be centered.

Tape Measure:One time you know the correct acme, you will demand to measure out the width of the door to make sure yous are centering the peephole.

If you neglect to mensurate, you could end upwardly with an off-center peephole, which could become aggravating.

File:If you lot have a metal door, you may wish to employ a metal file to assistance smooth the edges of the drilled pigsty earlier y'all insert the Ring Peephole.

Drilling the Hole

One time yous have gathered all your materials, yous are ready to begin installing the peephole camera.

Nigh people that accept taken on this project estimate that information technology takes fifteen minutes from start to finish.

Do not be discouraged if it takes longer for you, specially if y'all are not used as well frequently using power tools.

  1. Measure out where y'all want to place the hole. It is recommended that the placement be 54-64 inches from the bottom of the door (Source: Business firm Trick). This acme is typically appropriate for most users. If yous have an individual in the home who cannot stand to wait out of the peephole, it may demand to be lower. Even so, for the Ring camera, the standard superlative is advisable.
  2. Marking the appropriate spot on the door to ensure the peephole is centered before you begin drilling.
  3. Put on your safety goggles.
  4. Drill the hole
  5. File the rough edges of the pigsty if necessary. Be sure non to over-file, as this will alter the dimension of the hole and could be problematic.

Setting the Ring Peephole Up

One time you have the peephole drilled, you are ready to install the Ring Peephole.

If the hole is the correct size, you volition find this step very like shooting fish in a barrel to complete.

When yous buy your Ring Peephole, there will be piece of cake-to-follow gear up-upwards instructions included.

Be Aware

Sometimes the thickness of the door will not allow the Ring Peephole camera to sit in the peephole properly.

If yous find this happening, the installation kit will include an item chosen an extender.

This will allow the peephole camera to sit down affluent with the door and securely adhere to the inside portion of the camera.

Connecting the Ring Peephole Photographic camera

After you accept the camera properly installed into the door, you are set to begin the actual set up-up of the device. Again, there is a footstep by step instructions provided with your kit.

Nonetheless, before you begin setting up the camera, you need to take access to these things.

  • Wi-fi
  • Band App
  • Subscription to Ring
  • Fully charged battery pack

The Band Peephole camera is a battery-powered device.

You will need to be sure to accuse the bombardment pack of your camera every xx-40 days.

Depending on the activeness recorded past your device, the fourth dimension between charges will vary.

Why Do I Need a Subscription?

You tin easily use the Ring Peephole camera features without a subscription.

Still, if you lot always want to view the recordings from your photographic camera, yous volition need a subscription to exercise so.

While it may seem lightheaded to pay for recordings, if yous ever need to access them for police assistance, yous will exist thankful you paid for the subscription.

Subscription Details

The cost for a Band subscription on one device is quite economical.

You can purchase a program for an entire twelvemonth or choose to pay month to month.

Like most subscriptions, there is a small saving if you choose to pay an annual fee.

Typically, you lot can purchase this plan for effectually $30. The peace of heed this service provides to many is well worth information technology. (Source: Band)

Final Thoughts

If yous are gear up on getting a Ring Peephole photographic camera, you tin can easily make information technology work with any door.

While it may require a chip of piece of work before the installation tin occur, you lot tin do information technology.

Brand sure you have the proper tools before beginning the projection and always measure for accuracy.

If you lot rent a abode, yous will too check with your landlord before drilling holes indoors.

Once these things are in place, you are set to install a Band Peephole camera.


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