
Unable To Like Posts On Instagram

This has been a common issue lately, Instagram has not only implemented image recognition software for copywriting compliance. Lately, Instagram has been blocking users from certain actions like leaving comments, liking photos, and following accounts. There can be many reasons as to why Instagram is doing that but don't worry there is a workaround.

The reason why Instagram is doing this is to identify and regulate the use of bots and reduce spam but many innocent users have been temporarily flag by engaging in penalized acts by Instagram.

What Does It Mean to Get Your Account Blocked on Instagram Mean?

What Does It Mean to Get Your Account Blocked on Instagram Mean

When Instagram detects particular actions coming from a single account, including spam activities, it temporarily blocks it and displays an error message " ACTION BLOCKED"

It's this social media channel of penalizing people for conducting spamming activities, if you get this notification you won't be able to comment, like or follow users on Instagram.

Why Am I Blocked From Liking post on Instagram?

Why Am I Blocked From Liking post on Instagram

This happens when you engage in spamming behaviors. In other words, you have a habit of liking many pictures in a short span of time. Instagram considers this as Spamming. You're liking and following users with behavior which IG picks up as spamming, and I know it is annoying but they're trying to avoid users take advantage of their platforms by liking and following other users to create engagement is against IG's policies if it's done like a "bot" would do.

Marketing on Instagram is so hard in recent months and that's due to many changes happened with Facebook and Instagram but guess what? I love content marketing even more after you finish this article, you can contact me directly and I may be able to be an assistant to you!

If you need help with branding your business, please contact [email protected] who has other alternatives on marketing for you since you're trying to grow your brand, Following and Unfollowing is not the strategy for marketing.

Instagram blocks you when you're doing repeptive actions to create engagement. Your best option is to log out of your Instagram account for at least 3-4 weeks and log back in to hope for it to go away for good.

If you follow 50+ profiles and unfollow them regularly or if you place repetitive comments, they will block you from actions.

Why Am I Blocked From Commenting on Instagram Posts?

Why Am I Blocked From Commenting on Instagram Posts

This happens when you used the same comment multiple times on the same or different posts, Instagram does not like that at all !!!

Why Am I Blocked From Following and Unfollowing accounts on Instagram?

Why Am I Blocked From Following and Unfollowing accounts on Instagram

It's normal to go on an unfollowing purge from time to time but within reason. If you have been following and unfollowing more than 50 accounts within an hour Instagram will block you temporarily block you.

What are other reasons why Instagram will block my account?

What are other reasons why Instagram will block my account

There are many answers for this question and it changes from user to user depending on your usage patterns but the most common are:

  • You used a third-party app to get likes on your pictures.
  • You used a third-party app to get more followers or to auto-follow and auto-unfollow followers.

Try avoiding some of the practices below, as Instagram will flag you as spam and temporarily block you from taking any action.

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How Do Unblock My Instagram Account?

How Do Unblock My Instagram AccountHow Do Unblock My Instagram Account

You have a couple of options to get this done, make sure to read all the adopt the one that better suits your needs:

  • Stop all Instagram actions on, this means no liking, commenting and following accounts for 24hrs to 48hrs. You can log in but it is recommended to just wait it out and take your digital punishment for engaging on spamming behavior.
  • Uninstall third-party apps that help you get followers or likes.
  • Switch to mobile data, is important to understand how Instagram does this. They are not blocking your account but your IP address, so by switching from your Wi-Fi to mobile data is a quick and simple solution.
  • When you are blocked on Instagram is because you are flagged as a spammer. Another simple solution is to link your Instagram to another social media channel like, Facebook, Twitter or Pinterest. This will help you establish yourself as a real person and not a spamming bot.
  • If any of the previous don't get your account unblocked within 24 hours, just simply report it to Instagram, this feature is on the settings menu on Instagram.
  • Be patient, take this opportunity to have a digital cleanse.

How to Avoid Being Block by Instagram?

Ok, now that you regained privileges on Instagram lets make sure to prevent this happening again.

  • Avoid using third-party apps, Step up your game! Earn your likes and followers organically.
  • Limit the amount of the same actions within an amount of time, in 60 minutes do not like more than 50 pictures, follow or unfollow more than 50 accounts, post the same comment on different posts.
  • Complete your profile and verify your email and phone number.

If you like to advertise for your business or your brand, you can contact me at this email and I will be glad to help! Email Me For More Info On Content Marketing:  [email protected]

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Unable To Like Posts On Instagram


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